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I grew up Orthodox in the 1960's-70's, speaking Hebrew, German, Yiddish & French. I davened in Hebrew and am still a bit surprised at how oblivious I was to the gender specific language in that context. However, I knew God had no form or gender and it truly never concerned me! The discomfort only set in when I encountered English siddurim and learned to pray in a language in which "gender neutral" was an option. I am now a rabbi (when asked what that makes my husband, I reply, "Lucky!") serving a Reform congregation. I have to admit, the language changes still sometimes distract me, but I understand the logic. As for JEWESS, I absolutely love, love the word. I agree with those who said it feels regal and elegant. I believe we should reclaim and revel in it. I do apologize for being ignorant to the fact that it is considered offensive by so many!

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