i am sorry i did not know until now of Rita's passing...i wanted to share with her family that I taught SEARCHING FOR LIFE in every human rights class i've delivered for the past 10 years--I had the privilege of hosting Rita once as a guest speaker, and she was gracious, lovely, fierce, and so, so smart. the students loved her. she has left an indelible mark among us, and i was very grateful to have had the chance to meet her.
i am sorry i did not know until now of Rita's passing...i wanted to share with her family that I taught SEARCHING FOR LIFE in every human rights class i've delivered for the past 10 years--I had the privilege of hosting Rita once as a guest speaker, and she was gracious, lovely, fierce, and so, so smart. the students loved her. she has left an indelible mark among us, and i was very grateful to have had the chance to meet her.