Chat Log for An American Jew in Israel

Etta began by inviting participants to introduce themselves to each other and to our special guest, Tzipporah “Zippy” Porath.

Yuliya Mazur: Yuliya Mazur
Yuliya Mazur: JCC Association
Paula Sincalir: I am Director of Programs and Partnerships @ JWA
Yuliya Mazur: Resource Communications Manager - Just very interested in education, adult education primarily
Joan Glazer Farber: Hi Joan Glazer Farber --interim director of education at B'nai Yisrael in Armonk NY
Etta King: Hi All, Etta King here, Education Program Manager at the Jewish Women's Archive.
Miriam Cantor-Stone: Hi everyone! I'm Miriam Cantor-Stone, the Education Program Assistant at JWA!
Harriet Shalat: Hi, Harriet Shalat here. JWA volunteer and retired reference librarian.
Ellen Masters: Hi, Ellen Masters is present. I'm a retired educator excited to hear from Zipporah.
Susan Raskin: Hi, I am Susan Raskin, Hi, I am excited to hear this. I am co-chair of JWA
Marion Gribetz: Hi- Just logging on. Marion Gribetz on the JWA board and Jewish educator.

After a brief introduction of post-World War II Israel by Paula Sinclair, JWA's Director of Programs and Partnerships, Etta officially introduced Zippy to the participants. Etta spoke about Zippy's initial move to Israel as an exchange student at Hebrew University, and how she ultimately decided to stay, join the Hagganah, and witness the creation of the State of Israel. After Zippy read some excerpts of her letters published in Letters From Jerusalem: 1947-1948, participants were invited to ask her questions about her letters, her work, and her life in Israel.

Susan Raskin: Zippy, Did you have worries that the euphoria would end and that your lives would quickly be in danger?
Yuliya Mazur: As an American Jew, did she feel the moment as if it were really her OWN country being re-born?
Harriet Shalat: Great excitement and joy!
Joan Glazer Farber: living history
Etta King: Jews in Palestine at this point in history called “The Yishuv”
Yuliya Mazur: Kol-ha-kavod to you!
Marion Gribetz: Is she in touch with any of her friends from this period?
Marion Gribetz: amazing story
Joan Glazer Farber: did you receive medical training
Susan Raskin: Absolutely amazing woman. I just saw her book of letters on Amazon. She is a true example of a “Woman of Valor!”
Etta King: Indeed she is! Her book is incredible, and a fast read.
Susan Raskin: Just ordered it from Amazon. Used copies are only $10 so no excuses not to get it
Miriam Cantor-Stone: You can also see excerpts of Zippy's letters in our Go & Learn lesson plan
Marion Gribetz: did her parents keep all her letters?
Susan Raskin: What is Zippy doing today? It looks like she is in an office. Does she still write and lecture?
Harriet Shalat: Is Zippy still in Israel?
Etta King: Yes she is.
Ellen Masters: Thank you, Zippy. You are a true Jewish woman role model.
Marion Gribetz: two of my sons participate in Mahal in recent years :)
Marion Gribetz: and there were many young women in both of their groups!
Ellen Masters: Thank you Zippy. Keep up your good work. You are a true Jewish woman role model
Marion Gribetz: she is amazing!!!
Yuliya Mazur: Amazing woman, indeed. No words. I hope we will all keep talking about her
Marion Gribetz: I think that Tzippy's enthusiasm gives us insight into the momentous events that she was part of and can give some texture to the events for our students for whom these events seem very distant
Marion Gribetz: it may be difficult to make the connections for students between the primary sources and the historical events
Joan Glazer Farber: sorry i have to leave the webinar—fascinating presentation—todah rabba
Ellen Masters: Using the Bintel Brief as my text, my students read and acted out the letters written over 100 years ago.
Marion Gribetz: I wonder if this webinar recording is useable for students?
Marion Gribetz: It may depend on the quality
Miriam Cantor-Stone: Todah rabbah, Zippy!
Paula Sincalir: Thank you Zippy and everyone who participated!
Yuliya Mazur: Thank you!!!


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Jewish Women's Archive. "Chat Log for An American Jew in Israel." (Viewed on March 8, 2025) <>.