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Sara Stone

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Sara Stone

Katrina's Jewish Voices

Rosalind Hinton interviewed Sara Stone on February 7, 2008, in New Orleans, Louisiana, as part of the Katrina's Jewish Voices Project. Stone details her early life, activism in the Jewish community of the South, experiences of prejudice, organizing the Women's Division of the Jewish Welfare Fund, and her resilience in the face of personal tragedy and Hurricane Katrina.

French Quarter, New Orleans

The More Things Change

Lisa Batya Feld

Susan Hess first came to New Orleans as a young bride in 1965, three days before Hurricane Betsy, and she remembered the one good thing about that storm was that it cemented her identity as a New Orleans insider in a way that would have taken decades otherwise.

Topics: Jewish History

Sara Stone

Sara Stone was ninety years old at the time of Hurricane Katrina, and her experience of the storm was tempered by a lifetime of helping the city weather hard times.

Sara Stone

Sara Stone helped New Orleans weather hard times from the Great Depression through Hurricane Katrina.


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