Women Rabbis

Rabbi Chaya Rowen Baker

In the fewer than 50 years since the first woman became ordained as a rabbi on American soil, women have transformed the rabbinate, along with Jewish life and communities across the globe. Add your voice to the collection of stories about the challenges and blessings, trials and triumphs, of being a woman rabbi today.

(Note: Submitting a story here does not ensure inclusion in JWA's Women Rabbis exhibit.)

  1. What inspired you to become a rabbi?
  2. Can you describe a specific instance where your gender helped or hampered you as a rabbi?
  3. How do you think women rabbis are transforming Judaism and Jewish life?
  4. What piece of Torah or other Jewish wisdom has inspired you on your career path?
  5. Is there anything you’d like to tell young women (and men) who are considering becoming rabbis?

Download the app to record and share a story, or type and submit a story in the fields below.

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I wish to place the following restrictions on my submission (check all that apply):
  • I have the narrator’s permission to share her story;
  • I am at least 18 years of age, or if I am under 18 years of age, I have reviewed JWA’s Terms of Use with my parent or legal guardian and I have my parent or legal guardian’s permission to submit my story to JWA;
  • The information I am submitting is, to the best of my knowledge, truthful, accurate, and not misleading;
  • JWA reserves the right to share your submission and contact information with scholars for research purposes; and
  • I have read and agree to JWA’s Terms of Use.


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How to cite this page

Jewish Women's Archive. "Women Rabbis." (Viewed on March 5, 2025) <http://qa.jwa.org/stories/womenrabbis>.