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Boston Women Rabbis

The Boston Women Rabbis Oral History Collection is part of a larger project, The Story Archive of Women Rabbis, aimed at preserving and celebrating women rabbis’ invaluable contributions to the Jewish community. Co-directors Ronda Spinak and Lynne Himelstein conducted these interviews, documenting the challenges, triumphs, and unique perspectives of trailblazing women who have broken barriers and paved the way for gender equality within religious leadership. This project creates an enduring legacy that inspires future generations and enhances our understanding of the role of women in religious leadership. The Boston interviews were conducted in partnership with JWA in 2014. Excerpts of some also appear in JWA’s Women Rabbis collection. 

Sharon Cohen Anisfeld

Boston Women Rabbis

Ronda Spinak interviewed Sharon Anisfeld on March 24, 2014, in Newton, Massachusetts, as part of the Boston Women Rabbis Project. Rabbi Sharon Cohen Anisfeld shares her experiences and perspectives as a religious leader, discussing topics such as ethics policies, the Book of Esther, the evolving role of rabbis in contemporary society, and the importance of adaptability, empathy, and understanding of religious traditions in her leadership role.

Judith Ehrlich

Boston Women Rabbis

Lynne Himelstein interviewed Rabbi Judi Ehrlich on March 5, 2014, in Newton, Massachusetts, as part of the Boston Women Rabbis Oral History Project. Ehrlich shares her journey from Orthodox Judaism in South Africa to becoming a rabbi in America, including her religious upbringing, education in Israel, work as a matchmaker, career as a rabbi, challenges in her family, and her role as a chaplain, providing support to patients and families dealing with loss.

Sally Finestone

Boston Women Rabbis

Ronda Spinak interviewed Rabbi Sally Finestone on March 29, 2014, in West Newton, Massachusetts, as part of the Boston Women’s Rabbis Oral History Project. Rabbi Finestone discusses her path to becoming a rabbi, the challenges she faced as a woman in a male-dominated field, her work in Hillel, her role as a mother, her relationship with God, and her pride in her accomplishments as a rabbi and educator.

Eliana Jacobowitz

Boston Women Rabbis

Lynne Himelstein interviewed Rabbi Eliana Jacobowitz on February 25, 2014, in Sommerville, Massachusetts, as part of the Boston Women Rabbis Oral History Project. Rabbi Jacobowitz reflects on her spiritual path in Jewish mysticism and becoming a rabbi, aiming to create an inclusive environment at Temple B’nai B’rith, and navigating the challenges of being a woman rabbi in Israel, sharing her complex feelings towards her homeland.

Jane Kanarek

Boston Women Rabbis

Rashard Barrentine interviewed Rabbi Jane Kanarek on March 13, 2014 in Brookline, Massachusetts, as part of the Women Rabbis Oral History Project. Rabbi Kanarek talks about rediscovering Judaism, becoming a rabbi and scholar, and advocating for women's voices in texts while finding fulfillment in her family life and encouraging aspiring female rabbis to find their own Jewish voice and create inclusive communities.

Margie Klein Ronkin

Boston Women Rabbis

Lynne Himelstein interviewed Rabbi Margie Klein Ronkin on February 24, 2014, in Brighton, Massachusetts, as part of the Boston Women Rabbis Oral History Project. Rabbi Klein Ronkin reflects on her Jewish upbringing, involvement in social justice activism, journey to becoming a rabbi, founding Moishe Kavod House, and her efforts to address sexual assault and domestic violence in the Jewish community, all while reflecting on her understanding of God.

Cherie Koller-Fox

Boston Women Rabbis

Lynne Himelstein interviewed Rabbi Cherie Koller-Fox on March 31, 2014, in Newtonville, Massachusetts, as part of the Boston Women Rabbis Oral History Project. Rabbi Koller-Fox shares her Jewish upbringing, aspirations to become a rabbi, educational journey, involvement in founding CAJE, and reflections on the evolving rabbinate, personal challenges, and the role of Judaism in navigating crises.

Claudia Kreiman

Boston Women Rabbis

Ronda Spinak interviewed Rabbi Claudia Kreiman on March 30, 2014, In Brookline, Massachusetts, as part of the Boston Women Rabbis Oral History Project. Rabbi Kreiman shares her experiences growing up as a rabbi's daughter in Chile, her journey to Israel, her personal tragedies, and her goals as a rabbi at Temple B'nai Jeshurun.

Michele Lenke

Boston Women Rabbis

Ronda Spinak interviewed Rabbi Michele Lenke on April 1, 2014 in Massachusetts, as part of the Boston Women Rabbis Oral History Project. Rabbi Lenke reflects on her journey from her Jewish upbringing and transformative experiences to overcoming obstacles as a female rabbi and finding fulfillment in her work, particularly in helping young Jews with B'nai Mitzvot and officiating same-sex weddings.

Sara Meirowitz

Boston Women Rabbis

Lynne Himelstein interviewed Rabbi Sara Meirowitz on April 2, 2014, in Brookline, Massachusetts, as part of the Boston Women Rabbis Oral History Project. Rabbi Meirowitz discusses her journey to becoming a rabbi, influenced by her father, experiences at Yale University's Hillel, and time in Jerusalem while discussing her perspectives on Modern Orthodoxy and Israel.

Suzanne Offit

Boston Women Rabbis

Ronda Spinak interviewed Rabbi Suzanne Offit on March 26, 2014, in Newton, Massachusetts, as part of the Boston Women Rabbis Project. Suzanne began her rabbinical studies around the age of forty and shares her journey of embracing her Jewish identity, discusses her work in end-of-life care, including a special encounter with Charlotte Bloomberg and the subsequent grant to Hebrew College, and reflects on the transformation of her marriage and spiritual practices throughout her rabbinical education.

Barbara Penzner

Boston Women Rabbis

Ronda Spinak interviewed Rabbi Barbara Penzner on February 25, 2014, in West Roxbury, Massachusetts, as part of the Boston Women Rabbis Oral History Project. Rabbi Penzner reflects on her Jewish upbringing, calling to become a rabbi, studies at the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College, exploration of the mikvah ritual, working with interfaith couples, and balancing motherhood and her career.

Shayna Rhodes

Boston Women Rabbis

Ronda Spinak interviewed Shayna Rhodes on March 17, 2014, in Newton, Massachusetts, as part of the Boston Women Rabbis Project. Shayna reflects on her Orthodox upbringing, her frustration with limited questioning in her early education, her feminist awakening during her time at Barnard College, and her journey towards becoming a rabbi, emphasizing the support of her family, her evolving religious practices, and her mission to empower women's voices in Talmud scholarship.

Elyse Winick

Boston Women Rabbis

Lynne Himelstein interviewed Rabbi Elyse Winick on March 23, 2014, Newton, Massachusetts, as part of the Boston Women Rabbis Oral History Project. Elyse's journey from her early Jewish upbringing, college experiences, and mentorship led her to become a rabbi, where she now serves as the Jewish chaplain at Brandeis University and reflects on the role of women rabbis in the present and past, while also discussing her personal connection to Judaism.

Elaine Zecher

Boston Women Rabbis

Ronda Spinak interviewed Rabbi Elaine Zecher in Boston, Massachusetts, on March 20, 2024, for the Boston Women Rabbis Oral History Project. Zecher, senior rabbi of Temple Israel of Boston, shares her journey as a female rabbi, her experiences as the first woman rabbi at Temple Israel, her love for liturgy and involvement in prayer book projects, her spiritual practices, Temple Israel's work with AIDS victims, and her deep connection to the universal values of Judaism.


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