Photographs 1-7 (in order)
First Confirmation Class, Vine Street Temple, 1869
The first confirmation class of the Vine Street Temple in 1869.
Courtesy of Tennessee State Library and Archives.
Hebrew Sunday School Confirmation Class, Temple Israel, Columbus, Ohio, 1888
Courtesy of the American Jewish Archives.
Beth El's Confirmation Class, 1915
Beth El's Confirmation Class, 1915.
Photo courtesy of Goldring/Woldenberg Institute of Southern Jewish Life.
Beth Israel's Confirmation Class, 1926
Beth Israel's Confirmation Class, 1926.
Photo courtesy of Goldring/Woldenberg Institute of Southern Jewish Life.
Free Evangelical Brethren Church Confirmation Class, 1920
The Volga Germans in Portland at a Free Evangelical Brethren Church Confirmation Class, 1920 .
The class members are Peter Mueller, Georg Krieger, Johannes Wilhelm, Heinrich Mueller (Henry Miller), Heinrich (Henry) Lehl, Elisabeth Wacker, Lillian Wacker, Emma Gebhart, Maria Wacker, Paulina Giebelhaus, Lena Hoelzer (Helser), Mollie Spieker, Cristina Traudt, Catherine (Emma) Sittner, Paulina Albert, Anna Wacker, Cristina Krieger and Lena Hahn. Elder Yost (center) is seated with the class.
Courtesy of Steve Schreiber.
Destroyed Pforzheim Synagogue
Pforzheim is a small city in southwestern Germany. This picture is of Pforzheim’s synagogue in 1938, on Kristallnacht, when the synagogue was destroyed.