Part 3
- Pass out and read excerpts from the modern Eshet Chayil.
- Assignment. Ask students to take time to write in their journals on the following questions:
- What does eshet chayil mean to you? What is modern Jewish eshet chayil? How are you an eshet chayil?
- Assignment. Ask students to take time to write in their journals on the following questions:
- Assignment. Students should write their own personal eshet chayil poems about what they think a valorous (courageous, beautiful, empowered) girl or woman is like, and also about what makes them valourous and special.
- (optional) Since eshet chayil is an acrostic poem, with one verse for each letter in the Hebrew alphabet, they can write an acrostic poem- with the alphabet, with their name, etc., or a write free-form composition.
- Ask students to share their creations with the group.