Board Meeting Outline

(to be led by Temple Board President)

  1. Call Meeting to Order
    1. Bang gavel and say: I'm calling the Temple Ohev Shalom Board Meeting to order at { time } on { date }.
    2. Read the Temple Ohev Shalom Board Scenario (above), which explains the situation before the Board.
  2. Sharing of Opinions
    1. Ask anyone who wants to share their opinion on this issue to raise his or her hand.
    2. Call on board members one at a time, in any order you wish.
    3. You may ask questions of the board members to help clarify their opinions.
    4. Make sure that everyone has a chance to share his or her opinion.
  3. Counter Points: Provide an opportunity for board members to counter the opinion of anyone who spoke earlier.
  4. Motion/Vote
    1. Ask someone to make a motion. The motion could be to:
      1. Support the activists
      2. Not support the activists
      3. Other (suggestions from Board—perhaps a more specific action)
    2. Ask someone to second the motion.
    3. Vote on the motion by calling for those who are in favor of the motion to raise their hands and then those who are against the motion to raise their hands.
    4. Count the votes for and against.
    5. Announce whether the motion passes (majority votes for the motion) or not (majority votes against the motion).


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Jewish Women's Archive. "Board Meeting Outline." (Viewed on March 18, 2025) <>.