Discussion Questions (Part 2) - After Reading Transcript
- If Claire Saxe was to do the 5 part identity activity we did earlier, how might she have filled out her card?
- What parts of her identity have caused Claire to do research about her people and religion? Do you think the research has helped her become more comfortable with who she is? Why or why not?
- Describe a situation in which what others were doing has caused you to question some part of your identity.
- Only a fraction of Claire's heritage is Ojibwe but this is the strongest part of her identity. What has reinforced this part of her identity? How do you think experiences in our lives help shape our identity?
- What is an experience that has helped shape your identity?
- Revisit the assumptions made about Claire Saxe before you read her transcript. How many of the assumptions were correct? How many were inaccurate? To what degree do we judge someone else's identity by visual clues and/or names?