Irgun Zeva'i Le'ummi Women, Athlit Internment Camp, 1948
A group of young I.Z.L. women in the Athlit British internment camp. The group was first interned in the women's prison in Bethlehem, all of whose inmates were transferred to Athlit on December 28, 1947. Seated (R to L): Mina Yalif, Sarah Medallion. Second row (standing): A Jewish policewoman, Sarah Livni, Shulamit Penso, Pnina Shochat, Zipporah Schiff. Third row: Esther Glicksman, Chaya Saban. This picture was taken in January or February of 1948.
Courtesy of Yehuda Lapidot.
Courtesy of Yehuda Lapidot.