Entry on Emma Lazarus, one of eleven articles contributed by Szold in the 1906 "Jewish Encyclopedia"
Entry on Emma Lazarus by Henrietta Szold in the 1906 "Jewish Encyclopedia", Page 1 - Excerpt A
Encyclopedia entry on Emma Lazarus, one of eleven articles contributed by Henrietta Szold in the 1906 Jewish Encyclopedia, page 1.
Courtesy of Klau Library, Hebrew Union College.
Encyclopedia Entry on Emma Lazarus by Henrietta Szold in the 1906 "Jewish Encyclopedia", Page 1 - Excerpt B
Encyclopedia entry on Emma Lazarus, one of eleven articles contributed by Henrietta Szold in the 1906 Jewish Encyclopedia, page 1.
Courtesy of Klau Library, Hebrew Union College.
Encyclopedia Entry on Emma Lazarus by Henrietta Szold in the 1906 "Jewish Encyclopedia", Page 2
Encyclopedia entry on Emma Lazarus, one of eleven articles contributed by Henrietta Szold in the 1906 Jewish Encyclopedia, page 2.
Courtesy of Klau Library, Hebrew Union College.