JWA Annual Luncheon 2013 Honorees, Circle of Troublemakers, and Committee

For a Lifetime of Making Trouble

Bel Kaufman

Ms. Kaufman is best known for her groundbreaking novel Up the Down Staircase, which opened the world’s eyes to what was going on inside New York City’s public high school classrooms. In uniquely engaging ways, she illustrated how much is lost in the service of bureaucracy and how deeply the student-teacher connection matters. Kaufman’s work served as a catalyst for education reform across the United States. At 101, Ms. Kaufman continues to exhibit the same wit and tenacity that make her such a powerful teacher and champion of education.

Inspiring Change

Rachel Cohen Gerrol

Ms. Gerrol is a true "Catalyst at Large," working at the intersection of philanthropy and social entrepreneurship.  She is Co-Founder of the Nexus Global Youth Summit, a network of international young philanthropists with a combined net worth of over $100 billion.  Rachel currently serves as Executive Director of PVBLIC Foundation, an in-kind grant-making organization that harnesses the power of unused media assets to drive social change.  Rachel was listed among the “99 Most Influential Foreign Policy Leaders Under 33” in the Diplomatic Courier and was recently named “Jewish Girl of the Year” by GathertheJews.com.  Her projects have been featured in Forbes and Vanity Fair.

Rachel Sklar

Ms. Sklar is on a mission to “Change the Ratio” by promoting visibility, access, and opportunity for women and shining light on constituencies that are underappreciated, under-showcased, and undervalued. An ever-wired, voraciously connected "media guru," speaker, and writer, Sklar is leveraging her expansive network for her latest initiative, TheLi.st, a media platform to connect and promote women and their accomplishments. Ms. Sklar has been named to the Silicon Alley 100, to Fast Company’s “League of Extraordinary Women,” and to Forbes' “Women Changing The World.” She is co-host of “The Salon” on the Jewish Channel.

The 2013 Jewish Women's Archive Luncheon Board and Committee

Event Chairs

Ann Kirschner

Susan Levin Schlechter

Nicki Newman Tanner

Circle of Troublemakers

Susan Beckerman

Judy Roth Berkowitz

Rabbi Cantor Angela Buchdahl

Charles and Lynn Schusterman Family Foundation

Michele Cohen

Julia Rhodes Davis


Eleanor Friedman

Friedman Family Foundation

Sybil R. Golden

Dorian Goldman

Lynn Korda Kroll

Lambert Family Foundation

Kathleen Levin

Ann F. Lewis and Mike Sponder

Susan E. Linder

Joanne B. Matthews

Juliana May

Leni May

Carol Ostrow

Nancy Rubin

Sheri Cyd Sandler

Joan Scheuer

Annie Schlechter


Board of Directors

Linda K. Morse, Co-Chair

Michele Rosen, Co-Chair

Barbara B. Dobkin, Founding Chair

Joyce Antler, Chair Academic Advisory Council

Gail Twersky Reimer, Founding Executive Director


Olivia Cohen-Cutler

Sue Bricker Dorn

Gloria Feldt

Roz Garber

Rani Garfinkle

Ann Kirschner

Tamara Kreinin

Karen Secunda Levy

Susan Augenblick Raskin

Barbara Ellison Rosenblit

Leah Rosovsky

Susan Levin Schlechter

Marian Scheuer Sofaer

Prudence L. Steiner

Nicki Newman Tanner

Diane Wohl


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Jewish Women's Archive. "JWA Annual Luncheon 2013 Honorees, Circle of Troublemakers, and Committee." (Viewed on March 19, 2025) <http://qa.jwa.org/luncheon/2013/honorees>.