Politics and Government: Organizations and Institutions

Women's American ORT
Five years after the American chapter of the Organization for Rehabilitation through Training (ORT) was founded in 1922, a women’s auxiliary group (WAO) was created. WAO aided displaced Europeans and focused on creating vocational schools across the world. In the later twentieth century, WAO expanded to help create medical services for students and provide recreational facilities, among other programs.

Women's League for Conservative Judaism
Women’s League for Conservative Judaism (WLCJ), founded in 1918, is the national organization of Conservative sisterhoods. Throughout its history WLCJ has foregrounded women’s education and engagement in order to enrich the spiritual and religious lives of Conservative/Masorti women and to empower them as leaders in their homes, synagogues, and communities.

Gussie Edelman Wyner
Gussie Edelman Wyner was an early leader of the Boston Jewish community and a national leader of Hadassah. She is credited with creating the idea of life memberships in women’s organizations and with establishing the first chapter of Junior Hadassah.
Yiddishe Froyen Asosiatsiye-YFA (Jewish Women's Association)
The Yiddishe Froyen Asosiatsiye (YFA) was the only Jewish women’s organization in Poland during its time. The YFA was a feminist organization that sought to education and empower Jewish women, who faced double discrimination for their gender and religion.

Young Women's Hebrew Association

Zionism in the United States