Frida Staropolsky-Shwartz

Frida Staropolsky-Shwartz (1947-2018) received her Masters in Jewish Studies from the Universidad Hebraica in Mexico and her Ph.D. in Sociology from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). She specialized in the education, identities, and migrations of Mexico’s Jewish community. She taught at the Tarbut Hebrew School and the Universidad Hebraica, and served as the pedagogical adviser of the Center for Jewish Studies in Mexico. Among her publications are research on Hungarian Jews in Mexico and Jewish Latin American educators in a globalized world.

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Vele Rabinowitz Zabludowsky

Vele Rabinowitz Zabludovsky was a transnational Yiddish and Hebrew teacher who dedicated her life’s work to teaching and the preservation of Yiddish culture and language. She spent over fifty years teaching Yiddish language and culture in Mexico.

Mexico: Education

The first immigrants to arrive in Mexico during the early decades of the twentieth century from Eastern Europe, Syria, and the Balkan countries were profoundly concerned with the formal education of their children. At that time, part of the controversy in the community was whether Mexico should be an “in transit” country to the United States or a place in which to settle permanently, in which education would play an important role as part of the socializing process.

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Rivke Savich Golomb was an educator and Yiddishist who taught at Jewish schools in Warsaw, Palestine, Canada, and Mexico over the course of her career. She and her husband established Nuevo Colegia Israelita I. L Peretz in Mexico in 1950. Their “golombist” philosophy was based around integrating Yiddishkait into a humanist Jewish world.


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Jewish Women's Archive. "Frida Staropolsky-Shwartz." (Viewed on March 19, 2025) <>.