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Didi Goldenhar

Didi Goldenhar is a writer and strategist in the nonprofit sector. As Senior Program Consultant to AWP, she collaborated in all research and initiatives and is co-author of the AWP guidebook, Leveling the Playing Field: Advancing Women in Jewish Organizational Life. Her articles and reports have been published by the Stanford Social Innovation Review, Nathan Cummings Foundation, and Open Society Foundation, among many.

Articles by this author

Advancing Women Professionals in the Jewish Community

Advancing Women Professionals and the Jewish Community (AWP) was founded by Shifra Bronznick in 2001 as an intervention “to advance Jewish women into leadership, stimulate new models of shared leadership, and promote policies for healthy, effective workplaces.” Over fifteen years, AWP conducted groundbreaking research and adapted strategies from other sectors that engaged women and men in decisive, systems-based change.


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How to cite this page

Jewish Women's Archive. "Didi Goldenhar." (Viewed on August 19, 2024) <http://qa.jwa.org/encyclopedia/author/goldenhar-didi>.