Vicki Caron

Vicki Caron is a Professor Emerita at Cornell University. She is author of Between France and Germany: The Jews of Alsace-Lorraine, 1871-1918 (Stanford, CA, 1988) and Uneasy Asylum: France and the Jewish Refugee Crisis, 1933-1942 (Stanford, CA, 1999), which has also appeared in a French translation as L'Asile Incertain: Les Réfugiés Juifs en France, 1933-1942 (Paris, 2008). She is also coeditor with Michael Brenner and Uri Kaufman of Jewish Emancipation Reconsidered: The French and German Models (Tübingen, 2003). 

Articles by this author

Louise Weiss

Considered an architect of European unity, Louise Weiss is best known for her campaigns on behalf of the peaceful resolution of international conflicts during the interwar years and the Cold War. She also worked on behalf of Jewish refugee rights in the late 1930s and was a leading feminist activist who focused on obtaining the right for French women to vote.

Cécile Brunschvicg

Cécile Brunschvicg was one of the grandes dames of French feminism during the first half of the twentieth century. Although her chief demand was women’s suffrage, she also focused on a range of practical reforms, including greater parity in women’s salaries, expanded educational opportunities for women, and the drive to reform the French civil code, which treated married women as if they were minors.


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Jewish Women's Archive. "Vicki Caron." (Viewed on March 19, 2025) <>.