Peter Bond
Peter Bond has a B.A. degree from Harvard (1962), an M.A. in education from Case Western Reserve University (1963) and a Ph.D. in physics from Case Western (1969). He is currently the Deputy Director for Science and Technology at Brookhaven National Laboratory, to which he came in 1972 following a postdoctoral stint at Stanford University. His early career, beginning with his Ph.D. work at Case Western Reserve University, was devoted to a variety of experimental nuclear physics topics, including nuclear structure, hyperfine interactions and reaction dynamics with a focus on the use of heavy-ions. In 1987 he was named Chair of the Brookhaven Physics Department and served for ten years in that capacity. From July 1997 to March 1998 he was the Interim Director of the Laboratory. He spent 1999 at the Office of Science and Technology Policy in Washington DC (the office of the Science Advisor to the U.S. President).