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The Jewish Women's Archive publishes a monthly e-letter, sent via email to all e-letter subscribers.

As e-letters are published, we post a link on this page. The best way to stay informed, however, is to sign up to receive your own copy.

  • September 2012: A New Take on a New Year
    The other side of Rosh Hashanah • We live to learn (Apply now for the Natalia Twersky Educator Award) • JWA through the eyes of an (inspired) intern • How do you accidentally become a Jewish historian? • Report to the Community 2012
  • July-August 2012: 70 Years of Jewish Women earning Olympic Gold
    2012 Summer Institute for Educators • Labor Material Added to Living the Legacy • Jewish Women at the Olympics—a Tradition • Jewish Women, Amplified: Meet Rusty Kanokogi • This Week in History: Lillian Copeland wins gold, 1932.
  • June 2012: Celebrating Pride and the fathers of Jewish daughters
    Jewish daughters share stories about their fathers • Joan Rivers Makes More Trouble • Celebrate Pride Month with JWA and Keshet • We Remember: Lucy Kramer Cohen • This Week in History: Annie Londonderry, the first woman to cycle the globe ….
  • May 2012: JWA launches "D.C. Stories": A new oral history exhibit
    JWA launches "D.C. Stories": A new exhibit for Jewish American Heritage Month • Reform movement honors Gail T. Reimer, JWA • Reread "Eishet Chayil" on Mother's Day • This Week in History: Angela Warnick Buchdahl was invested as the first Asian-American cantor.
  • April 2012: Celebrating the voices of Jewish women poets
    Celebrating the voices of Jewish women poets • Remembering Adrienne Rich • Ideas for Jewish American Heritage Month • We Remember: Esther M. Broner (1930-2011) Jewish feminist activist, scholar, author, Seder Sister.
  • March 2012: Making Trouble/Making History luncheon a smashing success
    Making Trouble/Making History in NYC • Women's History Month: Who inspires you? • Including Women's Voices: A downloadable Passover Haggadah • We Remember: Esther M. Broner (1930-2011) Jewish feminist activist, scholar, author, Seder Sister.
  • February 2012: Announcing the winner of the Twersky Award
    And the winnter of the Twersky Award is... • Discover the treasures at JWA's new offices • Happy V-Day! • This Week in History:Publication of "The Feminine Mystique" by Betty Friedan; the book is credited with sparking the modern feminist movement.
  • January 2012: Making Trouble, Making History
    Join us for JWA’s Annual Luncheon March 18 • 2012 Institute for Educators: Apply now! • Watch "Wednesdays in Mississippi" for Black History Month • This Week in History: Annie Leibovitz's first cover photograph for Rolling Stone, featuring John Lennon.
  • December 2011: Top 10 Moments for Jewish Women in 2011
    The Top 10 Moments for Jewish Women in 2011 • JWA wishes you a Happy Hanukkah! • So, laugh a little! • This Week in History: Lyricist Betty Comden's first hit, "On the Town," opened on Broadway.
  • November 2011: A vision for the Jewish Future
    JWA's vision for the Jewish future • JWA on the road in Philadelphia • Sharing, telling bat mitzvah stories •This Week in History: Clara Lemlich sparks the "Uprising of the 20,000."
  • October 2011: Announcing the Natalia Twersky Educator Award!
    The Natalia Twersky Educator Award • JWA Selected for Community Action Partners Program • Contest: Can You Rename "History Makers?" •This Week in History: Gertrude Elion wins the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.

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How to cite this page

Jewish Women's Archive. "E-Letter." (Viewed on August 19, 2024) <http://qa.jwa.org/eletter>.