Roseanne for President 2012?
Roseanne Barr at the Hard Rock Cafe in Maui in 2010.
Photo: Leah Mark
Last Thursday on "The Tonight Show," Roseanne Barr announced her candidacy for President in 2012. Inspired by Sarah Palin (who she claims is stealing her act), Roseanne plans to run as a member of the "Green Tea Party" on the platform of "no taxes, the forgiveness of student loans and all debts and the use of vegetables instead of money."
Jewish women have a rich legacy of political action, but as far as I can tell, a Jewish woman has never run for President. Will Roseanne Barr be the first?
Back in October, 2008 after the final presidential debate we polled readers to see which Jewesses with Attitude they would support for President. The winning ticket was Justine Wise Polier and Gertrude Weil of the Ethical Justice Party, running on a platform of "caring with justice, fighting with equity." The runners up were Emma Goldman and Ernestine Rose of the Fiery Women's Party platform "toward a radical new social order." Nearly tying for third place were Henrietta Szold and Barbara Seaman (Health and Humanity Party) and Grace Paley, Wendy Wasserstein (Activist Art Party).
Would you support Roseanne Bar for President in 2012? (Her platform is still less crazy than Michelle Bachmann's.)
Which other "Jewesses with Attitude" would you like to see announce their candidacy?
I plan on voting for Roseanne!
I know she has no plans of running, but I'm dying to see Debbie Wasserman Schultz run for president. She strongly supports Israel, she's a feminist, what else can I ask for?