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Link Roundup: Happy Hanukkah and other things

Happy Hanukkah!

And here's some non-Hanukkah buzz:

  • Esther D. Kustanowitz asks, "Where are the opinionated Jewish women?" [eJewishPhilanthropy]
  • The latest Female Factor colum in the New York Times discusses "keeping the romance alive in the age of female empowerment." As you might have predicted, this did not sit well for many of us "empowered" women. See responses from: Feministe.
  • Gender equality in the Jewish workplace -- making Jewish paychecks fair [Forward]
  • and to that end, Gloria Feldt writes "How Women in the Jewish Workforce Can Get Ahead — and Get a Raise" [Sisterhood blog]. Karen Loew discusses why women are reluctant to call themselves "experts" [Sisterhood blog]
  • Ingrid Pitt, Holocaust survivor turned horror queen - died [Tablet]
  • Jessica Valenti deconstructs Sarah Palin's leaked "New Feminism" [Jessica Valenti]
  • Hella Moritz, 81, a pillar of the World Jewish Congress for over 40 years died [Forward]
  • Jewunion Label celebrates Jewish moms in this cute video [Truth, Praise & Help]

Read or seen any other great Hanukkah content or interesting links? Share them in the comments!

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How to cite this page

Berkenwald, Leah. "Link Roundup: Happy Hanukkah and other things." 3 December 2010. Jewish Women's Archive. (Viewed on August 18, 2024) <http://qa.jwa.org/blog/link-roundup-happy-hanukkah>.