Labor History Landmark: No. 9 The Metropolitan Opera House

The Top 11 Labor History Landmarks in New York City is a blog series on Jewesses with Attitude created in honor of Women's History Month and the 100th anniversary of the Triangle Waist Factory fire.
Metropolitan Opera House, 1905.
Courtest of the U.S. Library of Congress.

The Top 11 Labor History Landmarks in New York City is a blog series on Jewesses with Attitude created in honor of Women's History Month and the 100th anniversary of the Triangle Waist Factory fire. Learn more about the series here, or check out JWA's online walking tour.

The 9th of the Top 11 Labor History Landmarks in New York City is the Metropolitan Opera House.

Days after the Triangle fire, a memorial for the victims of the tragedy was organized at the Metropolitan Opera House, which in 1911 was located at 39th Street and Broadway. At the meeting, Rose Schneiderman, a labor organizer and former garment worker, issued an impassioned call for action, demanding justice for the victims of the fire and for all workers who continued to toil in unfair conditions.

Learn more about the Metropolitan Opera House and see it "On the Map!"

About the online walking tour:

Learn about the events surrounding the Triangle fire with an online tour or, if you are in Manhattan, print out these pages and go for an invigorating walk. You can use a "Google Maps Tour" to organize your tour according to the sequence of events, easiest walking, or "most complete" route. If you want to listen to an audio version of the tour on your computer or cell phone, sign up for a free Travelgoat account and download the Triangle walking tour.


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How to cite this page

Berkenwald, Leah. "Labor History Landmark: No. 9 The Metropolitan Opera House." 29 March 2011. Jewish Women's Archive. (Viewed on March 19, 2025) <>.