The Fitness of My Food

This is my first summer joining a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) Co-op. For those who aren’t so familiar with local food production, a CSA consists of individuals who commit to sharing the benefits and risks of local farming, and enjoy several months of fresh vegetables at a great value. As a CSA Co-op member, I buy a “share” of the farm’s produce which helps cover costs of the farm operation and pays the farmer a living wage. In return for delicious organic food, I participate directly in work on the farm—harvesting, planting, soiling, etc.—which helps build a more local and equitable agricultural system. It’s a pretty great model.

Every Thursday, I have the delight of picking up an abundance of fresh vegetables (you never know what you’ll get, so it’s somewhat suspenseful!) delivered from the Heirloom Harvest Community Farm in Westborough, MA. Anyone who’s a CSA member knows how exciting this blissful vegetable-overload can be. Though initially overwhelmed, I’ve come to appreciate my fridge and pantry overflowing with arugula, kale, beets, zucchini, elegant garlic scapes, patty pan squash and kohlrabi (both of which I’d never even heard of), and enough sugar peas to feed all of Boston. On a CSA pick-up day, the quiet order of my kitchen spirals into cathartic vegetable anarchy. Were Emma Goldman still alive, I suspect that she, too, would be a CSA member, tantalized by beet juice dribbling down the surface of her kitchen table, and by garlic scapes violently crackling in olive oil on a flaming stove.

I don’t know whether it’s coincidence or a no-brainer that the vast majority of the CSA members of my co-op are Jewish. What’s clear, however, is that segments of the Jewish community are captivated by the CSA food production model. Synagogues and havurahs in different parts of the country have shown support for local, organic agriculture by either joining or, in some cases, starting their own CSAs. Eve Kaplan-Walbrecht is a Jewish CSA pioneer. In 2001, she and her husband founded Garden of Eve, a partner farm for Tuv Ha’aretz (“Good for the Land”), the first Jewish CSA project in North America—founded by Hazon—with nine participating cities nation-wide.

So I asked myself: what’s Jewish about a CSA? The Jewish tradition has a long history of defining what is Kosher—literally “fit”—for us to eat. As someone who does not keep Kosher in the strictest sense, a CSA offers me an opportunity to re-examine and possibly redefine what it means for food to be “fit,” not only for my body, but for my community, and for the earth. To know that I’m eating lettuce free of toxic pesticides and synthetic herbicides, and to know that my turnips are grown in organic (not chemical!) fertilizer, is an important part of food “fitness.” These distinctions are not identified in traditional Jewish dietary laws, but for me, they elevate the ethical intention and fundamental “fitness” of my food consumption far more compellingly than the appearance of a hechsher (the Kosher certification symbol) on a bag of spinach from the supermarket.

The best part of being a CSA member is that I now have a strong incentive to cook elaborate veggie meals for Shabbat. Come Monday, I have a week’s worth of leftovers to enjoy in the JWA lunch room.

Topics: Food, Agriculture
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Jordan, summer is the perfect time for a CSA and local foods discussion, so thank you for this great post! You touch upon some really important issues, one of which is the concept of "eco-kashrut", which refers to the incorporation of environmental ethics and sustainability into traditional kashrut. Supporting organic farming and buying food grown by local farmers is not only good for the environment, the body (less pesticides!), and a local farmer, but it is also an important Jewish value. There is a clear connection between Judaism and the earth, and many Jewish holidays, such as Sukkot, are firmly rooted in agriculture.

My husband and I have belonged to our local CSA for going on twelve years now, and it's become one of my very favorite places in the world. Often I have gone there on Shabbat to pick sugar snap peas or strawberries, and reveled in the spectacular beauty of the land and the deep satisfaction of knowing that the vegetables we're eating are so sustainably and lovingly grown. (I also often wish my fellow CSA members a shabbat shalom, since I am almost never the only member of my congregation in attendance!)

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Namerow, Jordan. "The Fitness of My Food." 25 July 2007. Jewish Women's Archive. (Viewed on March 3, 2025) <>.