From breastfeeding dolls to 'matzah boobs' - Link Roundup Aug 11, 2009
A roundup of links you really wont want to miss. (Baby Glutton? Seriously?)
- "But can you breast-feed a babydoll in shul?" Spanish toymakers release "Bebe Gluton" (Baby Glutton), a doll that simulates breast-feeding and generally makes me feel icky. Debra Nussbaum Cohen does a great job explaining why it's okay to be disturbed by this. [The Sisterhood]
- What would your Jewish Grandma say about Obama's health care plan? Here is one take. [JTA]
- Natalie Portman to play a Hasidic woman in "New York, I Love You" [Tablet]
- Review: Standing By: The Making of an American Military Family in a Time of War, the autobiographical memoir of a Jewish military wife. [The Jewish Chronicle]
- "Mommy, What's a Spliff?" Talking to your kids about drugs on the anniversary of Woodstock [Tablet]
- New book Gender and American Jews: Patterns in Work, Education, and Family in Contemporary Life uses sociological data to explore the gender dynamics of the modern Jewish family. [UPNE]
- World's largest matzah ball in New York City. [Mixed Multitudes] The best part? It looks like a giant breast. [NYDailyNews]
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Thanks for the linkage, Leah!